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Here are some of the basics of family immigration

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2020 | Firm News

Being separated from your family can be hard, regardless of the circumstances. However, this separation can be particularly challenging when national borders separate you from your loved ones. However, if you are a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident, then you have the opportunity to sponsor your loved one, which could lead to them being awarded an immigrant visa.

Who Can U.S. Citizens Sponsor?

U.S. citizens who wish to bring their loved ones to America through an immigrant visa can sponsor a number of individuals, including spouse, siblings, parents and children.

It’s worth noting that there’s no limit on the number of immediate relatives who can immigrate to the U.S. each year, which means that it’s a little bit easier to successfully sponsor an individual for an immigrant visa under these circumstances. There is a limit on more distant relatives, but succeeding in sponsorship is still possible.

Who Can a Lawful Permanent Resident Sponsor?

Lawful permanent residents are a little more limited in their sponsorship options. Under federal law, lawful permanent residents can only sponsor a spouse or a child who is unmarried. There is a limit on the number of visas granted in these circumstances, so it might be a little more challenging to achieve the outcome you desire.

Be Prepared for the Immigrant Visa Process

There are a lot of steps to this process, and each one needs to be handled with care. One of the most stressful is the immigrant visa interview. Here, a prospective immigrant will be required to present at a consulate with certain documentation and answer a number of questions pertaining to his or her relationship with the sponsor, immigration history, and a whole host of questions about his or her background.

Dealing with immigration law issues can be confusing and hard to understand, but you need to know the law to maximize your chances of successfully sponsoring your loved ones. For this reason, you might want to think about discussing your particular circumstances with an attorney who will know how to advocate on your behalf.